Friday, March 8, 2013

Women's History Month

I was lucky to be raised by parents and grandparents that believed it was important that I grew up to be strong, independent and goal driven. They made sure I knew how to change my tires and oil, that I knew how to use power tools and was involved in various sports even if they were male dominated (karate, and wrestling) but most importantly they taught me to follow my dreams and to fight for what I believe in.

As a teacher, I worked with predominately Muslim students. It was so rewarding to watch all my students but especially the female students succeed and set future goals for themselves. I made sure as their teacher, I was that strong female role model for them, in hopes that they too will follow their own dreams and pass it on their future generations.

Now I have a daughter of my own and it is so important for me to teach her and my son, the important women that have changed history and have made great strides to show that women are strong, independent and strong. I want E to set goals and work hard to succeed them. I want to make sure my son S, respects women and promotes independence and strength with his future girlfriends and future wife but also for any future daughters!

How will you teach your children the strength and independence?

Here are some great resources to help with teaching your children about Women's History Month!

National Women's History Project: This years theme is "Women inspiring Innovation Through Imagination"

Scholastic Women History Resources:

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