Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Activities Part 2 -Lots of pictures!

We have been doing a lot of activities that are centered around Easter! The first set of picture is a game I made for the older kids. I cut out Easter Eggs out of different scrapbook paper and glued it on to cards and cut them in half to make a matching game. We started with the eggs face up and the kids flew through making matches so the next time I pulled 5 sets and put them face down. It gave them a little bit of a challenge but they did a great job working on their memory skills.

This is the egg game I made for the younger ones. It is nothing fancy but I took a couple of shoe boxes and cut holes out of the top. Then I put a bunch of plastic eggs in each of the boxes. I let the kids explore the toy and it was fun to watch the different ways the played/learned from the toy!

With it being so muddy out with the melting snow, we been coming up with some creative ways to get our gross motor inside. We made a "snake" out of pop beads and the kids took turns jumping over the snake. They loved it!

One of the art projects we have done, was finger painting shaving cream on paper to cut out Easter Eggs with. With the older kids, I mixed paint to give the eggs a swirl effect.

The last project we have done so far was gluing fun yarn on a egg. They came out great and was also a good tactile activity for the older kiddos!

In the next blog I will try to include pictures from our Jelly Bean Learning Series!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Easter Activities Part 1

With Easter only a week and a half away, we have started with our Easter themed activities! I have a lot of children under 1 1/2 years so on Monday, I took an old shoe box and cut holes in the top. I then put plastic Easter eggs in for the children to play with. They love to take the eggs out and put them back in! I haven't been able to take pictures of them playing with it yet but will hopefully get some soon!

For Evelyn yesterday, we started our jellybean manipulative series. I drew lines on a piece of paper and we measured the lines with the jellybeans to see how many jellybeans long the lines were. As we placed the jellybeans on, we counted. This activity worked on counting up to 25, one to one correspondence and measurement skills.

The last activity we did yesterday was use plastic eggs as our paint brushes. I put some paint on a paper and gave the kids an egg. They did an awesome job painting without an direction on how to do it!

Monday, March 18, 2013

More St. Patrick's Day Activities!

Last week we continued our St. Patrick's Day celebration with some more arts and some sensory play. We made tissue paper collage shamrocks and we played in green pudding! Getting messy is fun but very engaging! The next two weeks we will doing Easter activities!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2 and the letter P

Yesterday we made our second St. Patty's Day project! We water colored coffee filters cut out as shamrocks. I made the watercolors with water and food coloring. If I was to do the project again, I would mix regular paint with water to get more vivid colors when it dries. We are also working on the letter P this week so we glued pasta on a purple P to keep with the theme!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

St. Patty's Day Green Pepper Painting

Yesterday we had a great day welcoming two new friends! We also started one of our favorite holiday units... St Patrick's Day week! We love to bring the Luck of the Irish to daycare :). Our first project of the week, is we used green peppers and green paint to "stamp" shamrocks. I had all the children participate and they did great! At the moment my youngest is 7 months.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Women's History Month

I was lucky to be raised by parents and grandparents that believed it was important that I grew up to be strong, independent and goal driven. They made sure I knew how to change my tires and oil, that I knew how to use power tools and was involved in various sports even if they were male dominated (karate, and wrestling) but most importantly they taught me to follow my dreams and to fight for what I believe in.

As a teacher, I worked with predominately Muslim students. It was so rewarding to watch all my students but especially the female students succeed and set future goals for themselves. I made sure as their teacher, I was that strong female role model for them, in hopes that they too will follow their own dreams and pass it on their future generations.

Now I have a daughter of my own and it is so important for me to teach her and my son, the important women that have changed history and have made great strides to show that women are strong, independent and strong. I want E to set goals and work hard to succeed them. I want to make sure my son S, respects women and promotes independence and strength with his future girlfriends and future wife but also for any future daughters!

How will you teach your children the strength and independence?

Here are some great resources to help with teaching your children about Women's History Month!

National Women's History Project: This years theme is "Women inspiring Innovation Through Imagination"

Scholastic Women History Resources:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hop On Pop Day! *Lots of Pictures*

 Today we read Hop on Pop and did activities that played with the words in the title. We did "Hop on Pop" Hopscotch

 We worked on our recognizing our numbers 1-6 by "popping" the called number!

 We then finger painted with bubble wrap and popped it on the paper!

 Our beautiful paintings!